Framed By Nature Photography

  /  Family Photo Sessions   /  Vacation Family Photo Session at Lake Huron in Oscoda, MI | Part 3

Hello there, and welcome to the third and final part for the Vacation Family Photo Session at Lake Huron in Oscoda, MI. If you missed the first part or the second part of this series, be sure to click the links included. Why are there three? It’s not because we did a huge session for one family. Oh no, we did three family sessions at one location!

In the last part, we showed the photos that we took for Miriam and her gorgeous family. They, like Sarah and her photos we will be sharing today, were staying at one of the three scenic A-Frame cabins on Lake Huron, along with Aja and her family too.

So to start, we went to the old reliable (by this point anyhow lol), boardwalk on the beach, to allow this small but fun family to warm up for the photos.

Afterwards, we took Sarah and her family to the ever popular swing set. Sarah’s little girl was having all kinds of fun taking photos as you can see here.

Once the swing set was done, we then ventured forth to have a few photos on the driftwood log. I feel these turned out amazing!

After the log, Sarah’s little girl decided it was time to run on the beach for a bit. Of course, we didn’t mind that at all! It’s good for kids to run around, especially if they have a lot of energy like she did.

After the bit of running, we managed to wrangle Sarah’s daughter in for a few more photos. We took them behind the beach grass. Of course, being that she had tons of energy, the little girl was off again to play some more, while her parents took a few couples’ photos.

This technically concluded their photo session, but we weren’t quite finished yet. It was time for some group photos with Aja’s family, and Mariam’s family too.

This was such an amazing adventure with these three families, even though it was one location. A Vacation Family Photo Session is a unique opportunity for us to capture some amazing results in a short amount of time, and we thank Sarah and her family for the opportunity to capture these precious memories.



Jess is a professional photographer and officiant. She loves coffee, adventuring, hiking, video gaming, anime, and so much more!

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