Framed By Nature Photography

  /  Family Photo Sessions   /  Family Photography Session in Ossineke MI

Hello there! Today I’m going to share with you a Family Photography Session in Ossineke MI that we recently had the pleasure of doing. My friend Beth and her family allowed Jeff (my husband and second photographer) and I to come to their lovely home to take their photos.

Why? Well, you see, Beth, her son, and her parents, were about to move to Tennessee! So, while at a luncheon with our mutual Bible study friends, I gifted her a family photography session to use before her move. And whelp, here it is!

I’m so glad that Beth and her family took me up on my offer, because the photographs that came from that session are beyond stunning. Beth was also feeling a little overwhelmed due to moving stress (and really, who isn’t stressed when moving, right?), and our little photography session was a perfect way for her to unwind.

So we started with the entire family together, before moving into groups of individual family members together with others. You’ll see what I mean below. Also, we were able to capture a cute moment or two with Beth’s parents, which I hear is a rare thing indeed.

Next we took some photos of Beth and her son, both together and solo. Beth’s son is a wonderful young man and was totally game to try different poses, and you could really tell that he loves both his grandparents, and his mother, dearly.

Then we took some photos of Beth’s son in her garden, along with a few of the flowers that were still blooming at this time. The light was really harsh here for the photos of Beth’s son, but still, the photos turned out quite nice I think.

To finish up, we took the family down by the river near their house, and took some photographs around the fire pit they had set up there. The light was beautiful in this area, and it was like being in a hidden part of the world.

We truly had a blast with Beth and her family for this Family Photography Session in Ossineke. We shared a lot of laughs together, as I’m sure you can see here, and it was truly wonderful to meet Beth’s beloved family.

Thank you again Beth for allowing us to capture your loving family and I truly wish you the best with your move to Tennessee!


Jess is a professional photographer and officiant. She loves coffee, adventuring, hiking, video gaming, anime, and so much more!

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