Framed By Nature Photography

  /  Family Photo Sessions   /  Summer Vacation Family Photo Session on Lake Huron in Greenbush MI

Hello there! Today we’ll be viewing a family photo session we did for a family on their summer vacation in Greenbush Michigan. They rented a VRBO property for their stay, and also, for this photo session! Let’s see how it went, shall we?

Like many of our beach sessions, we started at the waterfront, and worked our way inland. This day was incredibly beautiful, if a little windier than we’d like. But the skies were lovely and the sunshine was warm. Micah and her family were adorable and the kids were excited for the photos, both to happen, and to be over with. Lol

So far, everything is going swimmingly with this adorable family and their portraits, and so we move inland a bit, to take advantage of the beach grass that is on this property. We weren’t disappointed, and we had some fun with the kids making yucky faces because their parents are kissing. (A classic photo, if you were to ask me.)

As you can see, Micah and her family were quickly getting comfortable with us taking their photos… Perhaps a little too comfortable, as you’ll see in a moment. You’ll see that Micah, for lack of a better word, is simply weird. And please, don’t misunderstand me in my calling her weird. Jeff and I adore her weirdness! She truly helped to make this session way more fun than we initially expected, and we absolutely love it when someone feels comfortable enough with us to unleash their inner fun selves.

What a ton of fun, right? Well, we certainly think so, and we also invite you to share your true, weird self with us as well, should we ever have the pleasure of a photo session with you. However, moving on in the day, after this bit on the beach with the beach grass, is when we decided to make use of the small bit of forest on the property for some photos. I must admit, I’m a sucker for forest pictures and the greens that come about, so these are probably my favorite photos from the day. But, you tell me if you like the beach more than the forest pictures, okay? 🙂

This family was just too much fun!! Once these photos were finished, it was simply time for some more fun on the beach. This is where the kids ran around, collecting sea weed, and everyone just had fun decompressing from the “official” portrait session. We talked with Micah and her husband while taking candid photos, and also a few family portraits for fun too.

And that’s a wrap folks! As you can see, this was a wonderfully fun experience for all involved, and we cannot thank Micah and her lovely family for entrusting us with these memories and photos. Also, I’d like to thank the owner of the VRBO for renting out their property so this session and vacation for Micah’s family, could take place. You can see the listing for the VRBO Rental here.

I truly hope you enjoyed viewing this Summer Vacation Family Photo Session on Lake Huron in Greenbush Michigan, just as much as we enjoyed capturing it. Remember, if you’re in need of family portraits, we are happy to travel anywhere in Michigan to make it happen. (And we’ll even travel outside of Michigan too!) Until next time…



Jess is a professional photographer and officiant. She loves coffee, adventuring, hiking, video gaming, anime, and so much more!

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