Framed By Nature Photography

  /  Family Photo Sessions   /  Family Photo Session at LaFurge Woods Nature Preserve

Welcome everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day holiday. However, let’s take a moment to discuss this awesome family photo session at LaFurge Woods Nature Preserve!

This session all began when my brother needed a simple doctor’s appointment. You see, a few months ago, I had to take my little brother to Ypsilanti for some tests and appointments concerning his dialysis and viability towards getting on the wait-list for a new kidney. (So far so good by the way.) Well, while waiting for his appointments to take place, Jeff and I explored this little nature preserve, and we instantly knew that we wanted to bring a family here for pictures.

Queue up the music, because our favorite family (who have supported our business since the beginning), was ready to book this year’s first session! So, we recommended LaFurge Woods Nature Preserve. They were stoked at a new location to try, and jumped on board.

Once we arrived, Kathleen wanted to get a few quick photos of her lovely family all in face masks to mark their time in quarantine throughout this crazy Covid-19 pandemic. Of course we agreed. Shortly after the face mask photos (which the kids loved by the way, LOL), the kids ran around and blew off some steam.

Immediately after, we made our way down the path towards our first location, which was a beautiful boardwalk. The kids, were having a lot of fun, and we grabbed some super adorable photos of the girls giving their little brother kisses on his cheeks. (Cue the “Awwwwwww” moments.)

After that cuteness overload, we tried to grab some family photos of them all together. Of course the kids, being wound up from the shutdown, didn’t last too long before they started with their silly faces and antics. (We love those by the way!) Thankfully, Tom (dad) joined in a little. 😉

Next it was time to grab some individual photographs of each of the children. Lexi was being her usual over-the-top self. Spencer was a little shy at first, until I learned he loved shouting “Cookie Monster!” at the camera. Last but not least, was Olivia. She’s a shy little girl, who needs a little time to warm up for the camera. (Wait until you see her towards the end of the session!)

After the individual photos were taken, it was time to move to the next spot, but not before Kathleen grabbed a couple of solo pictures with her youngest, Spencer. Of course seeing this, the girls, Lexi and Olivia, wanted some pictures with Tom, their father. We happily obliged, even though we had to wait a couple of minutes for a cloud to cover the sun.

By this point, we knew that we got pretty much every picture we needed. So, we told the kids, that it was time to have some fun! They were stoked, to say the least. So we headed to the last location, and let them jump around, make faces, and more. We even sneaked in a couple more complete family pictures here!

After that last location, we all started to head back to our cars. We chatted along the way, and the kids were asking about their promised goods for taking pictures. Right before we reached the cars, we grabbed one more shot of Tom with his two little girls.

This turned out to be such a fun and interesting session with this family! We love these five souls, and we cannot wait for our next session with them sometime in the fall of this year. We hope you enjoyed the photographs too, and if you’d like to have a family photo session at LaFurge Woods Nature Preserve… we hope you think of us. 😉


P.S. If you want to view the entire session, and/or order prints from this session, please view their gallery here.

Jess is a professional photographer and officiant. She loves coffee, adventuring, hiking, video gaming, anime, and so much more!

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